So you’ve got a great idea for a blog that would either stand on its own or complement your existing business, but there’s just one problem: you’re stumped on what to call it.
Naming things can be really hard. And often, the fear of making a bad decision makes a lot of people shy away from the process entirely.
But you don’t have to let that be you when there are so many easy-to-use blog name generators out there to use for free. In fact, you can use a blog name generator (or more than one) to decide on a blog name you love.
We’ll be discussing that process here today. We’ll also offer a healthy selection of blog name generators you can start using immediately, plus various tips and tricks for brainstorming name ideas.
Why Your Blog Name Matters
“So what’s the big deal,” you might be thinking, “Who cares what I call my blog?”
But if you care about your business, then you would do yourself a great disservice to just dismiss this whole blog-naming process. The name of your blog matters just like the name of your business matters. Your blog name will shape your website visitor’s first impressions of your brand.
Basically, a lot of eyeballs will be happening across this name you’ve come up with. So it would behoove you to spend more than just a few passing minutes on the decision.
What is a Blog Name Generator?
A blog name generator is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It could be best described as a tool you use to come up with a name for your blog on the fly.

Oftentimes, you can use a business name or brand name generator to double as a blog name generator. This is because the basic idea behind the tool is the same: input a few keywords or phrases that relate to your blog, press “go,” and you’re off to the races.
How to Use a Blog Name Generator
You can use a blog name generator in a number of different ways. For the most part, your interaction with these tools will involve typing in a few keywords and seeing what results you get. It can be fun to experiment with different combinations of phrases to figure out what works best for your brand. And even though a good deal of experimentation is encouraged, you should still have a set of processes to guide your efforts.
What follows is a brief exploration of how to best make use of these tools.
Select Your Approach: Keyword-Based or Brand-Based
As you might’ve guessed from the headline, there are two primary ways to use a blog name generator. These methods could be best described as keyword-focused or brand-focused.
Some people opt for a keyboard-based approach when selecting a blog name. Some of this comes from a bygone era where keyword and keyword phrase-dominated domain names were all the rage. In recent years, Google has since demoted keyword-based domain names rendering them pretty much useless. Even so, if your brand or blog name would naturally include keywords, you can still opt for this route.
Before using a blog name generator, you will want to do a bit of preliminary keyword research. To do this, you may pop over to Google Analytics, use a tool like Ahrefs or KWFinder, or take a gander at the “People Also ask” section of the SERPs when Googling a few initial keyword options.

The other popular approach to using blog name generators is to focus on key terms related to your brand. This is most especially helpful if you run a business that has a name already. It would just make good sense to use your business name as your blog name or a part of your blog name.
Brand-based names may also be those that use a combination of key terms to create a unique word that can be forever associated with your brand. Unique names like “Trulia” and “Instagram” have real staying power and it might be an approach worth considering for your blog.

How To Choose A Catchy Blog Name
No matter the approach you choose to take when naming your blog it’s still essential that you understand how to make a decision that will work for the long term. Your blog title needs to be catchy. And to hone in on a truly catchy title you’ll need to keep a few things in mind as you sit down with your blog name generator of choice.
1. Your Blog Goals
Your blog goals are obviously going to influence your naming choice. And while your goal could be anything relatively speaking, there are a few general categories that will most likely describe yours.
A common blog goal is to inform your audience. That is, the purpose of your blog will be to educate or relay some sort of information to your readers. A blog with craft tutorials falls under this category, for instance. Another example would be a news blog centered around foreign affairs. It could still be monetized for affiliate income, but the blog’s purpose is to inform. The blog, 100 Directions, is a good example of this:

Another goal that may fit your circumstances is to sell. Many blogs are created with the intention to sell products or services. So, a writer who offers writing services may maintain a blog to demonstrate their skills and to build SEO around industry keywords.
Or, if you run a candle-making shop, you may use your blog to promote your latest products. You may choose to do this by informing through tutorials as well, but if your end goal is to sell something, you should bear that in mind. Lulus offers a good example of this, where the blog itself is mostly informational but it is attached to a clothing shop.

SMART goals
More broadly speaking, any goal you use for your blog should be SMART. That is, it should be:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Relevant
- Time-sensitive
Smart goals are generally relevant to your industry, specific enough to be measured, and achievable enough to be reached within a defined time frame.
2. Your Target Market/Audience
Another thing to keep in mind when approaching the naming of your blog is your target market. A target market can be defined as a specific group of people that you feel are best suited for your product or service. Basically, not every product is for everybody and you should keep that in mind when developing a blog name.
A quick note here, it’s important to distinguish between a target market and demographics. A target market is generally a broader group of people according to WordStream. Demographics, however, are generally smaller divisions within a target market that share attributes like age, gender, or income.
3. Your Unique Selling Point
Another thing to keep in mind is what makes your brand different. What’s that unique thing you’re bringing to an industry that no one else has? It could be a unique perspective, a new take on a topic, years of experience, etc.
4. Domain Name Availability
Not to be a buzzkill, but you also need to think about the availability of domain names related to the blog name you want to use. Thankfully, many of the blog name generators featured here automatically check for domain name availability. But just in case you don’t use such a tool, keep the following in mind:

- Use a domain name checker. All the major domain name registrars have them, Something like GoDaddy or Bluehost will suffice. Once you generate a name you like, run it through a domain name checker before you get too attached.
- If only a hyphenated version is available, skip it. Hyphenated domain names used to be popular, but they fell out of favor along with keyword-phrase dominated domains. If only a hyphenated version of your blog name of choice is available, select something else.
5. Potential Complications
Before you make a final decision on your blog name, it’s important that the whole process isn’t run aground by complications. Be aware of the following so you can avoid these issues before you get to the final decision making stage. Is your blog name:
- Hard to spell?
- Unpronounceable?
- Too niche (is the name only appealing to a specific subset of people and may alienate interested parties?
11 Blog Names Generators for 2022
Now here’s the part you’ve been waiting for: a curated list of 11 of the very best blog name generators currently out there for 2022 that can be used to create highly brandable domain names for your blog. Let’s get to it.
1. Namelix Business Name Generator

Topping this list of blog name generators has to be Namelix, my standout favorite. Though technically a business name generator, this tool is extremely useful at coming up with short, concise, and brandable names that resonate with people. Think brand names like Vimeo or Spotify. Input your keywords of choice – the more specific the better – and press Generate. You can then filter your results based on preferences regarding keywords, length, and domain extension.
2. ThemeIsle Blog Name Generator

The ThemeIsle Blog Name Generator is another great choice, because it allows you to generate blog name ideas while simultaneously searching for domain names. Unavailable domain names are automatically removed from the generated options.
3. BNG: Blog Name Generator

BNG offers a similar service: input keywords and view your generated options. You can toggle on and off the ability to check for available domain names through GoDaddy as well.
4. Name Generator

Now this is a fun one! This blog name generator works mad libs style. Input adjectives to describe your blog, verbs related to its subject, your first or last name, and even your location. You can get a variety of suggestions based on these terms. Or, you could even fill the form with random ideas automatically.
5. Wix Blog Name Generator

As you likely know already, Wix is a popular website builder. But what you might not know is they offer a free blog name generator you can use on their website. Just type in a word, press Generate Name, and see what you get.
6. Satori Web Academy: Blog Name Generator

Satori Web Academy offers a blog name generator as well. Simply input one or more keywords related to your brand, or use your brand name itself. You’ll only be shown generated blog names that have a corresponding domain name available.
7. AI-Powered Blog Name Generator

As its name would suggest, this blog name generator is AI-powered. This tool can be used to generate a business or blog name based on keywords you choose with – again – only options listed that have a domain name available. You can further refine your search by including a location as well.

Another option is the Weshare Blog Site Name Generator. With this tool, all you need to do is enter words that are related to your niche. You can also filter your search based on the length of the name. Your three options are short names (which consist of 4-6 letters), medium names (which consist of 7-12 letters), or long names (which consist of 12 or more letters).
9. Wizlogo Free Blog Name Generator

Here’s another free blog name generator you might want to consider using. Enter a keyword, press Generate Names, and you’re good to go.
10. Namify Blog Name Generator

This Namify Blog Name Generator takes a slightly different approach. All you need to do is enter at least two keywords related to your blog niche and select the most suitable category your content would fall under.
11. Nameboy

Last on our list is the Nameboy Blog Name Generator. It’s self-dubbed as “the oldest and most popular blog name generator in the world.” Just enter a few keywords, press Submit, and you’ll automatically see options with domain name availability through Bluehost.
Which of These Blog Name Generators Will You Try?
Did any of these blog name generators pique your interest? Did I miss your favorite? Either way, be sure to let me know in the comments below.